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Better and better every year ! -Max Lux 12th Anniversar...


Let's celebrating the Max Lux 12th Anniversary Celebration!

China (Poland) Trade Fair 2021


Dec. 1st to 3rd, 2021, the China (Poland) Trade Fair 2021 was held in PTAK WARSAW EXPO, Poland. As an unique e...

11th Anniversary Celebration of Max Lux


11th Anniversary Celebration of Max Lux

High and new enterprise technology certificate


In 2017 received“High and new enterprise technology” certificate

MAX LUX employees made blood donation on July 15th, 2018


MAX LUX employees made blood donation on July 15th, 2018

Safety Training


Max Lux pay attention to empolyees safety and factory fire control management, here we are performing a training class.

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